
Kiana Gibson (KikitheDrummer)




Website: www.kikithedrummer.com

Video: https://youtu.be/d7Wi3JguBtg

Performer, Percussionist, Instructor

K Gibson Drums LLC

Drum Magazine New Blood Column Excerpt: 

"Happy accidents make for great surprises. Going into ninth grade, Miami native Kiana Gibson signed up for a woodshop and robotics class but was placed in a music class due to a clerical error. She was just about to contact school administrators but saw a drum set in the music room and decided to stick with it. That snap decision helped define the next decade of her life. Within a few years, she was posting covers to YouTube and earning a notable following. Roll through her account to see a collection of expertly filmed covers showcasing her punchy, powerful style. She turned more heads in 2016 after cementing a spot as a Hit Like A Girl competition finalist and even caught the attention of Lil John Roberts, who's taken her on as a mentee and student. She's currently gigging around Atlanta and giving personalized Drum Lessons to Children and Adults."